Monday, April 9, 2012

Bacon Cinnamon Rolls ***

I know I've been slacking on posting again, and I'm sorry.  With 4-5 nights of baseball and Cub Scouts every week, it doesn't leave much time for internet fun.  I have been cooking, I just haven't had time to catch up on my reviews.  I'll see what I can do about that in the next few days.  :)This recipe is so very simple, but it's really good.  All of us loved it.  The boys love the canned cinnamon rolls anyway, and this way, at least they get a little protein in there to soak up some of the sugar.  It's a good theory anyway, lol.  I'm normally against adding bacon to all that sweet stuff, like the current rage is.  I understand that it may be good, but I just can't bring myself to add bacon to something like chocolate chip cookies.  I only made an exception with this one because they were both breakfast foods. Hehehe.  I made these Easter morning, but I didn't have time to take a picture of my own.  I'm using the one from the original website, but both the picture and the recipe have links to that post.  I'll definitely be making this one often.

Picture courtesy of
(The-Skipper-Bunch ~ via

1 package "Grands" cinnamon rolls
10 strips bacon

Fry bacon for a few minutes on each side, until slightly crisp but still flexible.  Drain on paper towels. 
Unroll cinnamon rolls, and place two strips of bacon on each.  Roll back up.  Place in a greased pan, and bake according to package directions.

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